Friday, April 9, 2010

Senior Year

I have registered for my senior year! Here it is.

Friday, April 2, 2010


A week from today I will be registering for the first semester of my senior year. However, I should stay focused on this semester because I am struggling. My grades haven't suffered too much, but I am just physically and mentally spent. I'm not sleeping, my confidence is struggling, and I'm finding myself sensitive to dumb comments. I have heard from multiple sources that the junior year of Engineering School is the toughest. I pray it's true.
As for next semester, I am truly excited about the classes. I remember when I first looked at the curriculum, I was most intrigued by a class called Mechatronics. The description seemed cryptic, but now I'm getting ready to register for that class and I know exactly what it's all about. I'm also taking Vibrations, Sensors and Measurements, and Senior Design. One more semester, then I'll need to find a job. Crud.