My beloved engineering team has been feverishly working to complete our final project, and we presented our design to the class today. This was slightly more nerve-racking then performing my original solo-acoustic music. Happily, it's all over, and the professors who watched us tremble in fear seemed genuinely pleased with our design. We would surely have completed this project far earlier were it not for the inadequacy of SolidWorks. Most of us already own the 2008 version, but the drawings were started in the newest version. Unbeknownst to any of us, SolidWorks is not backwards compatible, so we were forced to work during computer lab hours at school. No Fun.
Here's a video we made that is supposed to demonstrate how knuckleheads like us brainstorm a problem. Really, it was just an opportunity to drink beer. Oh yeah, original music by yours truly.
Chad and I sat through four and half hours of presentations and pretty much wanted to die afterward, but we made it though to hear the professor say he was going to be generous with the grades. Awesome news.