Monday, April 7, 2008

Who put on the brakes?!

Infinite Sequences and Series are difficult. Some things go pretty quickly, and some smack you around and call you Toby. This stuff is like shopping at Ross; there's crap everywhere. It's like everything I learned in calculus up to this point just got thrown back in my face. "We'll see what you remember," said Freidrich Bessel. I'm sure I'll wrap my head around this stuff; I just hope I get it before test day!
On a lighter note, my summer schedule has improved. I can't make Spanish 2 fit in, so I'll be done with the summer semester by July 12. I have Spanish 2 in my fall schedule now, but I'm not sure if its really doable. Adding another class eats into my study time, and I have a feeling I'm going to need all the study time I can get.
Next up in Calculus II: Multiplication and Division of Power Series. Gulp.


LMP said...

¿Por qué toman el español en absoluto? ¿Puede usted no estudiar las estructuras de las ciudades aztecas anciet en inglés?

Capt. Greg said...

Haha, you ain't seen nothing. Prove that there exists and infinite number of points between a and b such that, a < b, where a is an element of R (reals) and b is an element R. I have. That's where is gets fun ;-D Advanced Calc hell yo!

Aunt So-So said...

D bag!